Monday, 24 January 2011

About myself

I am really interested in graphic design as i enjoy making visible meassages to the world, where ever you go you are surrounded by graphic design and i want to be a part of this. I enjoy doing graphic design, illistration, photography, fine art and life drawing. I have a bit of an obsession with drawing patterns, and naked women, like my avatar fairie. I really enjoy looking a visual beautiful things like beautiful scenery and i enjoy making/ drawing beautiful images too. I want to travel the world and have a massive perspective on life which i can then incorporate this into my own work leaving a piece of this work in every country i visit.

Please take a look at my other blogs:

Current Project

My current project which i am doing on my foundation Art course is about myself:

These designs for my project came from the idea of spirituality and that there are layers to peoples personality and that once you get past the layers you have the soul. So, the project was like a opening to my soul.


I also take a keen interest in photography film and digital. These photos were taken whilst iw as in venice. Whilst in venice i visited an exhibition on Stan Kuberick, it was there where i was inspired to take my photos in black and white.

sketch book

After going to London and visiting Tate, national portrait gallery and one of my favourite saatachi gallery. I collected together a small sketchbook on surrealism.


Taken from punks and hippies youth subculture project i drew a design taken from an old wall hanging. The design was then made into a card relief print. Backgrounds were prepared using tissue paper, wax and ink  (left) and different coloured acyrillic (right).

These four prints were taken from a card relief project. I looked at nature and these designs were taken from looking at leaves. Some of the prints were collaged and some were worked back into using ink.

A set of card relief prints i did i did for my graffiti project . The design was a graffiti piece i did to use a stamp , and it reads 'abi'. Backgrounds were prepared using spraypaint and poster paint.


For a graffiti project i did some illistrations and graffiti using chalk and acrylic paint.

This image came from collaging together a painting of myself and a newspaper ripping of a monster. The project was of self representation, i looked at how whats on the outside isnt always whats on the inside. How i put a front on but really inside im nothing like this front. So, theres a blurred abstract image overlayed an image of an monster.

Following the project of self representation i did i series of four images that came from one image and then changing the image everytime by adding or manipulating the image to make another using a photocopier.

This illistration design was made for a large canvas from my graffiti project. Its an image of my boyfriends dreads turning into the roots of a mushroom with a psycedelic image of a woman representing myself going to kiss him.

This is the previous illistration but as a finished piece on a large canvas. I used spraypaint and acyrillic paint.

This painting i have taken from my personal sketchbook. Its image is of the highest mountain in England, where i spent most of my summer when i was younger. I also drew and painted a tree which turns into a hand holding a witches eye.

This black and white image was taken from my personal sketchbook, I was inspired by Tim Burton.

This illistrationwas taken from my personal sketchbook.I was inspired by avatar and fairies.